Tuesday, 12 August 2008

On settlers, prospectors and pioneers.

This is an illustration for a book of climate change resources currently being put together by the hard working Manchester Climate Forum (which is a space for discussion as well as a source of information). It is to be entitled "Only PLanet" - (not to be confused with my New Internationalist cartoon strip of the same name, which is not nearly so useful) and the piece in question (sent to me by Marc Hudson) deals briefly with the motivations of 3 broad consumer/producer demographics. Broadly speaking I think of these as Arseholes, hippies and cattle. But I may be over-simplifying.
I wish I'd known this stuff earlier - as I could have begun manipulating the masses for my own evil purposes much sooner.
As it is, I'll start first thing tomorrow. Unless something comes up.

I haven't produced much this week as I've been trying to get my average sized intellect around the big stuff so easily tossed around by the large brained individuals at RealClimate
I rarely come across impressive intellects in person, in my daily life (as I deal largely with Occupational Therapists) and this is an uncomfortable humbling - as I find myself re-reading and re-reading with the barest glimmer of understanding. This is complicated stuff. Which is why, of course, the media avoid it, or simplify it, or deny it.

Charles Shultz (of Peanuts fame) said that if he'd been better at drawing he would've been an artist, and if he's been better at writing he would have been an author - but as it was he had to settle for being a cartoonist. If I was a better cartoonist I'd have been Charles Shultz. But I don't have that option, so I'll settle for not being, well... a settler.

(with apologies to Cleese, Barker and Corbett of TW3)

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