Saturday 19 May 2007

On the Wings of Angels...

There seems to be a deal of confusion about the concept of progress. Most folk seem to have been persuaded that progress is a sort of natural development - an "evolutionary" and historical inevitability based on a continuous but undefinable improvement of human character. The myth is (depite all evidence to the contrary) that we have shaped ourselves, progressively, into the image of angels and that we can therefore do no substantial wrong (unless the "we" in question is foreign or otherwise unspeakably, darkly "other"), We imagine that this progress has made us impervious to the moral dubiousness and animal expediency that flesh is heir to. In reality all we have is more technology - more physical and cultural "stuff". Any temporary improvements in actual civil/social circumstance are the result of (good old fashioned) hard work, sacrifice and co-operation. We are the same as we ever were, and subject to the same violent collective mood swings as were our paeleolithic ancestors. We are never far away from calamity because we are never far away from ourselves. I know this is obvious, but sometimes it needs restating. Perhaps in the form of a cheap cartoon....

...and another thing....

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