Monday 9 November 2009

Imagine my surprise

In their December issue, the esteemed New Internationalist magazine will be publishing an eight page spread of cartoon frolics produced here at Throbgoblins International. It explores the comic (and tragic) possibilities of the Copenhagen round of climate talks and involves most of the characters that followers of Cantankerous Frank will be familiar with. We will also be publishing it here, when the time comes. Additionally we will be following the progress, or otherwise, of the discussions here and at a new site - - and following that up with additional strips. Most of the actual hard work will be done by Marc Hudson, who understands all this stuff much better than I do, and has more energy for it than is reasonable in one human being. We hope to simultaneously publish to the New Internationalist site, with ground zero commentary from Jess Worth, who was kind enough to commission and edit my comic ramblings. get the ball rolling we're re-publishing some freshly refurbished strips to re-introduce the general calamitousness of the whole predicament. We start with Imagine my surprise. I hope you like it (click on the images for full size version, as usual)

Next time: A Piece of Cake - apportioning blame and resources in the planetary restaurant

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome website, I had not noticed previously in my searches!
Keep up the wonderful work!