Saturday, 13 December 2008

Manchester United

I've said it before (hence the repost) and I'll say it again...

I apologise to the more far flung readers (far flung from my vantage point, anyway) for indulging in some local anti-democratic whinging. The voters of every single city borough rejected a public transport initiative that guaranteed them 3 Billion pounds and wouldn't cost them a penny for 4 more years, because they couldn't be arsed to organise their lives more efficiently. Fuck 'em.

The most boggling reaction I heard today was from a public transport user who was glad the Tif bid failed because it meant less money for corrupt stagecoach and Metrolink directors to cream off (allegedly). So the reasoning is that we will refuse any investment in a sustainable transport infrastructure until all the big bidders are in the hands of the angels or the whole shebang is back under public ownership. (in which case we can unpack a whole different set of prejudices to excuse us from action)
All large organisations are infected with widespread and often mind boggling levels of corruption and incompetence, as I know only too well from my many years in the NHS. This is because they are run by humans, and until we can successfully train what few alternative species we have left at our disposal, humans will have to do.
We are surrounded by fuckwits



Sarah Irving said...

I just tried to post the full-size-cartoon link of this to my Facebook page - and it's blocked because someone's reported it as offensive! That'll be some no-voting-inbred. Grrr...

Stuart Jeffery said...

It just shows the damage that the combined media and political assault on the masses has had over the years. People don't see the need to move from their cosy lives to protect everyone from the future. They have lost touch with the realities of live and nature - it is going to hurt everyone.

Keep up your excellent work Mark.

Stuart Jeffery said...

Oops, sorry Marc!

Anonymous said...

Understand what you are saying, but could we trust this crew to deliver on the promises after they'd got their hands on the brass ? They have had 11 years to fix the pig's ear that was made of the railways and spent the time shovelling money at clowns like Branson while doing nothing remotely useful toward fixing the broken systems.
PS Frank is a cracker, often makes my day - thanks


Thanks for the comments. I understand why a lot of people are suspicious of the forces in play. It seems to me that everywhere we look money is wasted and promises broken, but there is always a percentage that reaches its target - and that percentage is worth fighting for if only because it begins the restructuring that is the only option in the long run. The money will be creamed off by the usual suspects somewhere, so it might as well be on the way to a transport infrastructure. If it's a paradigm shift we are looking for, then it has to start somewhere. Sadly it wasn't here.